Gifted & Talented Education
Gifted & Talented Education
For over a decade, we have been working with gifted and talented students in Summit County to design enrichment programs to meet unique needs. We believe that all students should be challenged and should be given the opportunity to grow academically. In Summit County, where our gifted population is particularly dense, we strive to meet the challenges that providing education for gifted and talented students presents.
Call the office at 970.668.0954 to schedule your FREE consultation today!
Browse Our Programs Below:
STOKE Your Curiosity. KINDLE Your Passion. FUEL Discovery.
GAIN Confidence and Independence. FIND Hope and Delight. EXPERIENCE Success and Pride.
Gifted & Talented
BALANCE Brilliance and Belonging. EMBRACE Your Imperfections. CONQUER Challenges.
Test Preparation
IMPROVE Your Score. REDUCE Your Anxiety. EXCEED Your Expectations.
Home School & Elite Athlete
REINVENT Your Education. EMPOWER Your Voice. CREATE Your Path.
College Consulting
EXPAND Your Choices. KEEP Your Sanity. FIND Your Place.